A Warm Welcome to Our First Reviewer

 In Blog Posts

Andrik listening to music in ecstasy

At I Scream I Scream’s beginning, we only have one writer, Andrik Powell. Andrik is a music enthusiast who has written and produced 7 albums including music from the artists Amplified Church Pow, Blame the Caffeine! and Andrik Arkane. He easily listens to music at least 8 hours a day and listens to new releases every week. With more than 4,000 songs in his offline library and more than 100 songs under his name, Andrik is bound to have some idea of what makes a song good and what makes a song great. Here at I Scream I Scream Music Reviews, we are glad to have this talent under our belt.

After reading hundreds of poor reviews on albums that our team finds enjoyable, we have decided that we should start writing our own reviews to combat those we find disagreeable. We at I Scream I Scream Music Reviews know that music is a subjective topic, and subjective as it might be, we felt that we need to back an audience that was not being represented. I Scream I Scream reviews albums that blend electronic music with Metalcore or Hardcore. We like screamo and we like club music and so we hope to give albums combining these elements the criticism they deserve.

Album Review Expectations

On every album review that I Scream I Scream does, we will always have a “Track-By-Track Review” portion reviewing every song on an album. On each song, we will give our author’s thoughts and rate out of 5 what he/she think of said track. We will not use number scale to rate albums in their entirety. Instead we use “Worth a Listen?” and “Track Highlights” to give our readers the choice of whether or not they should seek out an album.

We hope in the future to become a credible source for album reviews and to expand to Facebook and Twitter. And if we get large enough we hope to start YouTube reviews with a larger staff and multiple writers. I hope that you can join us on our journey as we talk about the unheard side of music reviews. In the meantime, you can follow Andrik Powell at his personal Twitter below.

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  • Gold lion

    You go guy lol, this site looks great!

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